Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Big Fat Honduran Wedding


Looking like a peasant next to the bride...
Well, friends, while everyone else in America spent the weekend watching an oversized rodent give a weather report and overtestosteroned males jump on top of each other, I had the pleasure of watching my overbeautiful Honduran sister get married! 
You can imagine, since I live with her family, how many people were crammed in the house all weekend... The first relatives (from Texas!) came in on Thursday, and then others trickled in from all over Honduras.  Imagaine something like this \/ all day, every day, all weekend long.  Lots of people, lots of talking and laughing, lot of... loud.
Just like a Cuban family!
 To be sure, my introverted self often had to escape for my own sanity... but it was nice getting to know the family.  The Texanites (Baha, I'm going to start calling you that, Nikita) and a cousin or two knew English, so that was good.  :)

The morning of the wedding, I mostly stayed in my room--shamelessly hiding from this:
You can put the tomboy in a dress, but you can't take the tomboy out of the girl...
I came out for a bit, and they offered to put make-up and fake eyelashes on my face and tease my hair.  Needless to say, I quickly ran back to my lair...  :P

The wedding was beautiful:
Don't be fooled by the sweet Cinderella's Carriage cake holder... We had flan for dessert.
Pretty Table Centers
The Aisle
The bridesmains and groomsmen line the aisle.

Waiting patiently...

Here comes the bride!
Throwing rice!  (Sorry, birds...)

After the service, we basically had a praise and worship dance party.  No one prepared anything specific... they just came up and sang.  It was like karaoke for Jesus.  Par-tay!

Heck, even the happy couple sang!
And, of course, no wedding is complete without fireworks.

The next day, I decided that I had a craving for ice cream.  (Okay, I know.  I always crave ice cream.  But Sunday I decided to act upon my hankering.)  So I asked one of the cousins (who happened to be extremely proficient in English) if she and some other cousins wanted to walk around town and get ice cream with me.
So Massiel (the sister), Maria Roquel (the English-speaking cousin from San Pedro, Honduras), and Melisa (another cousin's girlfriend), and I went off.  Roquel was cracking me up taking pictures of everything...

"Oh!  Take a picture next to the taxi!"
"Oh!  Take a picture against this cool wall!"
"Oh!  Take a picture next to this sign!"

We even stooped so low as to let an American tourist take one of the four of us...
Finally, I said, "Roquel!  You're making us look like tourists!"
Her response: "We ARE tourists!"

Hope I at least won someone a point in the Tourist Game...

Lessons from Honduras:
Ice cream cures all... Wait, I had to fly to Honduras to learn that?  :P


  1. I love these pictures!!! Oh my gosh I freaked out when I saw that Cinderella carriage. And I don't even like Cinderella that much compared to most of the princesses. I am really suffering from Disney withdrawal I think. It's been over a year, I need a fix......

    Also I love the picture with the bride (and I'm assuming groom) singing on stage together. What an awesome way to begin their life together. This blog made me smile lots :) :) :)

    Lastly, I would have loved to see your face when they asked if you wanted them to put fake eyelashes on for you......I wish you had a picture of that!!!!

    Love you!

  2. Mmm ice cream good. Yes. I would think being from a huge cuban family you'd be use to the loud fun loving people.

  3. The bridesmaids look like they were wearing Belle dresses....
