Sunday, March 17, 2013

If I Ran the Circus y otros cuentas por Dr. Seuss


For all you jerk Florida friends who have been posting nothing on Facebook besides “OH EM JEE, New Fantasyland at Disney!”  “Who wants to go to Universal?!” and “Season passes: Who wants to go with me?”... First of all, I hate you.  That is mean.  Second of all, I went to a Honduran circus so IN YOUR FACE.

Ever since I passed the tent the first time several weeks ago, I kept thinking, “HOLY CRAP.  I have to go to the circus.”  I hadn’t been to one in years!  Thus, the planning commenced.  I asked the English Bible study-ers to go with me, but apparently only Lauren was cool enough to come.  We were so excited that her husband finally said, “You know this is not going to be big and exciting like an American circus, right?”  But Lauren and I agreed: the fact that it’s not an American circus is what made it so exciting!

So in response to all your Disney pictures... Here is my Honduran Circus Photo Journal:

Opening music... Star Wars Theme?
 Who says it's "just a Honduran" circus?  They had...

a fire dancer...


dancing dogs in dresses and tuxes...

an upside-down fire spinner... guy...

and two really big snakes.

^This book is about Hitler^
What more can you want?!

So I've started working at Urban Promise Honduras two days a week, which is great because it reminds me of Neighborhood Ministries!  I've been at Camp Hope Mondays and Wednesdays teaching a 20-minute English class to 4th-6th graders.

It's fun because I get to make them stand up and spin around and put chairs on their heads and all sorts of crazy stuff.  :)

After class, I stay to help with homework.  There is one 5th grader there who goes to Mayatan Bilingual School, so I tend to hang out with her.  My first day there, I didn't have any English books for her, so we read Yortuga la Tortuga together.  She's read a page and I'd translate, and then we'd switch.

"A person's a person no matter how small."

Speaking of small people, here are some funny moments from class for you:

1) We were practicing the continous present by playing charades.  One person who have to act out a phrase like "washing an elephant."  The others would have to guess in a full sentence: "You are washing an elephant."  If they guessed wrong, the person acting would have to say, "No, I am not..."
So Jensy had "eating something hot."  And Gilbert, God bless him, is trying so hard:
"You are eating!... ehh hot!  You are... YOU ARE HOT!"
And we ALL bust out laughing.
2) They were looking through their books to find words that end in -ge.  All of a sudden Gilbert (this kid says the darnest things...) says, "Miss!  I found the word 'orgy!'"
...I'm sorry, what?  I walk over.  "Gilbert, that says 'urge..." Great word!  Write it down!"  :P
And let's face it... I say some funny crap, too:
3) In Spanish class, the kids were using my computer to watch a music video with their other teacher.  I could tell the story was about how a guy's dad was gone, but I wasn't sure if he was dead or just gone or what have you.  So I asked the teacher, "Donde esta la papa?"  At which all my students started cracking up.  I would have, too, if someone asked me where the potato was...
4) Kids tried to teach me to roll my Rs.  Just picture that in your head for awhile.  Yeah.

Where is God taking you today?!

And a random shout-out to my (big) sister who's turning OLD this week!  I love you, Nikita!  Sorry your bookmark is mush, but let's be real.  The card totally makes up for it.  :)


  1. Loved my birthday card!!! And this post!!! And the last post too, I just now got a chance to read it :)

    Keep doing what you're doing, cuz it's pretty awesome!


  2. You have to tell me what the MadLib said when you finished it. :)
